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Opinions divided communication lithium storage battery development

乐发9  Communication energy storage has seen a lithium-ion batteries can see the trend of the development of, but on specific issues, telecommunications operators, equipment suppliers, lithium battery suppliers have different opinions. 

乐发9  From the point of telecom operators, three major telecom operators from last year's foreign open tender, activated with phosphoric acid lithium iron batteries as pilot project of communication base station backup power supply, open the 10 billion lithium electricity market space. But the current communication base station back-up power required for more than 90% are lead-acid batteries. Lead-acid batteries cost about 0.6 yuan/wh, the best of the domestic price of gel battery is less than 1 yuan/wh, and lithium iron phosphate batteries cost to 2.5 2.8 yuan/wh, more than four times higher than that of lead-acid batteries. Lithium battery application conditions are not mature in communication base station, three major telecom operators usually does not lead to dock with the battery manufacturer directly. 

乐发9  Huawei as telecom equipment supplier, has the right to choose the downstream battery supplier, or joint battery supplier of bid, China's largest telecommunications equipment suppliers have begun to act. Traditional telecom equipment giant order for energy storage, darning communication base station chain, reality is: because of the large capacity battery production requires more money, lithium-ion battery energy storage market is not for lithium electricity companies to seize the opportunity of brief respite, began to enter the oligarch competition era.  

  As the battery supplier, shenzhen walter battery co., LTD., officials said, the company for communications energy storage market has done a survey: about 1.7 million base station, the three operators are China mobile accounted for nearly 900000 base station. These stations are lead-acid batteries, a year of purchasing amount not less than 100 billion yuan. His optimistic estimates, according to the operators each year to replace 10% of lead-acid batteries with lithium iron phosphate battery, every year for the lithium battery market space is tens of billions of dollars. Company for the market development to the communication base stations use lithium battery pack, we know that electric cars use also is 24 v lithium-ion batteries, monomer usually adopts 18650 batteries, the larger is 26650, but the company energy storage battery monomer is 32650 batteries, combination of 48 v200ah / 48 v400ah battery pack. 

乐发9  Three types of enterprises clearly for lithium battery stations have different attitudes, telecom operators greater sense is due to its characteristics and respond to a nation called on state-owned enterprises, not economic interests. Telecom equipment supplier is taking a cautious attitude, first developed equipment and batteries and battery supplier for lead-acid battery encounter environmental sanctions for li-ion battery application full of expectation. 

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