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Lithium battery electrolyte prices down

  As more companies began to enter into the field, the electrolyte of lithium battery electrolyte industry present a price decline in the first half of this year, the situation of falling profits. Relevant data show that in the first half of 2013 China electrolyte to achieve sales of 17250 tons, compared with 23.21% growth in the first half of 2012 sales of 2012 tons. Sales increase at the same time, the industry's profits have fallen dramatically. In the first half of 2013 the electrolyte sales value is only 811 million, compared with 2012, contracted by 11.22%. 

乐发9  Because new entrants increase, and because the market capacity is insufficient, the electrolyte between traditional enterprises and traditional enterprises and new produced a fierce competition between businesses, it is the root cause of falling prices. In addition, for a long time, critical materials six fluoride electrolyte lithium phosphate imported lithium battery enterprises provide completely, and now the localization level has improved greatly. 

乐发9  Industry is characterized by electrolyte in the first half of this year, the traditional enterprise sales of electrolyte small low single-digit growth, and there are 5 in 2012 before and after the new enterprise companies off sales increased by more than 100%. 

乐发9Only 2011, 2012, two years, the Chinese enterprises new electrolyte 14, equivalent to 64% of the total number of the electrolyte in 2009. These new electrolyte manufacturers gradually accelerated this year. 

  For new entrants to the electrolyte enterprises through price war seize market opportunities, make electrolyte price sent by 30% ~ 30% last year, compared to the current mainstream quotation in 4.5 ~ 50000 yuan/ton (excluding tax). And so many enterprises the influx of electrolyte is according to the increasingly show new power battery capacity, the new energy vehicles in the domestic policy support and guidance, the new construction of power battery and project since 2011 projects the formation capacity, also increased the production of material related enterprises. 

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