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Power lithium battery industry faces several challenges

Power lithium battery industry faces several challenges:  

  1. new energy vehicles promotion rate and the expected goal difference 

乐发9  2. the security problems of power battery is yet to be resolved 

  3. low level repeated construction, lead to serious overcapacity 

乐发9  4. the price is declining in domestic lithium electricity industry large losses 

  5. the bottleneck of the intellectual property right and technology risk 

  6. industry development needs, policies to promote but ultimately depends on market decisions 


  Due to the lithium battery like petrol tank is a substance containing high energy components, high energy, materials, poor stability, with fire, burning, possibility, therefore, battery dangerous in nature. Although enterprise between batteries and electric control system is different, but both lithium iron phosphate batteries and three yuan batteries are not essentially solve the security problem of the battery. Domestic pure electric vehicles continuous in urumqi, hangzhou, shenzhen and other vehicle fire accident happened. Boeing 787 aircraft, several accidents occurred in a row, all airlines Boeing 787 lithium battery fires, eventually led to a global Boeing 787 grounded domino effect. By the Boeing company [microblogging] 787 jumbo jet battery failure, is considering to give up in the new European commercial aircraft giant airbus A350 aircraft on the use of lithium ion battery, instead of the traditional nickel-cadmium batteries. Before last November 6, 5 weeks, electric star the tesla Model S electric car has three fire. The world's top companies use lithium electricity product safety problems, indicates that the technology of lithium electricity industry is still at the development of security problems to be solved. 

乐发9  New energy vehicles development rely on government subsidies is not a long-term solution, for now, lithium ion battery technology is far not reached the degree of marketization of mass. Lithium-ion battery technology in recent years have also made some breakthrough, but I can't see the prospect of the market within the next five years. Micro and small electric vehicles is a bright spot in the development of electric vehicles in China, the basic can be profitable in the absence of subsidies and feedback of scientific research, but the national development and reform commission and other relevant departments. At the beginning of 2013, four seven academicians have joint proposal, such as micro small electric vehicles as breakthrough for the development of new energy vehicles, giving a top speed of 80 km/h, under the range of 80 km of electric vehicles for the qualifications of new energy vehicle, suggest to allow registration licence and hit the road. Expected to break the current new energy automobile electric car mostly for market approval within the scope of subsidies, and market recognition of low-speed electric cars can't support. 

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